Available for Pubs, Clubs, Theatres and Cruise's in 2024 and Beyond

A fully self contained show available for booking anywhere in the UK and beyond.

Book now to ensure that your venue is full and busy.

Fully licensed and qualified Hypnotist with full PLI and Professional Indemnity Insurance. 


Our fully inclusive booking system includes the following...


Pre-prepared posters and also promotion on social media of the Show and your Venue

Fully Qualified Hypnotist

Your customers and guest can be safe in the knowledge that the show is presented by a Hypnotist with at least 10 years experience

Self Contained

The show can be fully self contained using our own Sound and Lighting Equipment, or using an in-house sound and lighting system. We also provide a sound engineer as part of our crew


All Admin including License Applications will be completed behind the scene by our team.